How to create a server bundle with Webpack for SSR
The recipe for setting up SSR in the official Redux docs are good but it lacks one thing: It doesn’t describe how to use Webpack for creating a bundle of the server side code. There are boilerplate projects that do it, but they usually do a million other things as well so it’s complex to understand how it works.
Follow this step by step tutorial and learn how to use Webpack 2 to create a bundle of your server code.
I have created a Github repository with a fully working implementation from this tutorial. I suggest to git clone it and run it locally while reading this post. If you found it valuable I appreciate if you star it in Github :)
1. Create Webpack server config
Open up your webpack.config.js and duplicate your existing client config and name it “server”. We are going to keep both the client and the server config in the file webpack.config.js .
const client = {
// Existing webpack config
module.exports = client
const client = {
// Existing webpack config
const server = {
// Existing webpack config
module.exports = [client, server]
2. Go through your new Webpack server config
- Configure the entry section. Set the file name of the server code, for example server.js
- Configure the output section. Set the filename and path.
- Go through all plugins in the plugins section. Which ones makes sense on the backend? You can remove plugins used for code splitting, uglifyjs, etc.
3. Add node as target
We must tell Webpack that we are bundling node code by setting target to node.
const server = {
target: "node",
4. Ignore node_modules
We are going to use webpack-node-externals, to ignores files in node_modules folder. First, install it.
npm install --save-dev webpack-node-externals
Import it by adding this to the top of your webpack.config.js file:
const nodeExternals = require("webpack-node-externals")
Then add it to your server config.
const server = {
externals: [nodeExternals()],
4. Configure source maps (optional)
If you followed all steps up to this point, you should now have a fully working Webpack config for your server code. Try it and make sure it works before moving on!
This step is optional, but I recommend to set this up for production use.
The reason we want source maps is that we want stack traces to show file names and line number from our original files, not our generated bundle.
First, we need to tell Webpack to generate the source maps:
const server = {
devtool: "source-map",
Then we need to use the source maps in our bundle. Install source-map-support
npm install --save-dev source-map-support
And then add this to the plugin section of your newly created server config:
const server = {
plugins: [
new webpack.BannerPlugin({
banner: 'require("source-map-support").install();',
raw: true,
entryOnly: false
We are done
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